Короткий опис(реферат):
This paper presents a description of the wireless charger for biomedical telemetry system for experimental animals. General information on the advantages of using telemetry in longitudinal biomedical researches is presented. The areas of application of wireless telemetry systems and their advantages over wired analogues are argued. A reliable
method of transferring energy from the charger to the
sensor-implant is described.
Для цитування:
Antonenko Ye. A., Chizh N.A. Buriak M.M., Osypenko A.A., Shtoda D.A. Wireless Charger for Implantable Biotelemetry System (2020) International Conference on Ultrawideband and Ultrashort Impulse Signals, September 4-7, Odessa, Ukraine. 260–263.