Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are widely used in many fields of medicine for the treatment of inflammatory processes of different etiologies and are one of the most clinically meaningful groups of drugs. Clinically significant liver damage and hepatocyte damage are rare complications in the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory, but, given the prevalence of their use, there is a significant number of patients with NSAID-induced hepatopathy.
The negative effect of NSAIDs on the kidneys is due to a decrease in renal blood flow (and, accordingly, the synthesis of prostaglandins) due to the blockade of cyclooxygenase type 2, which is normally present in the kidneys and is intended to regulate water-sodium metabolism and renal hemodynamics.
In previous studies, we have proved the effectiveness of combined use of Ukrainian antispasmodics with the polytropical pharmacological properties vinboron and NSAIDs ibuprofen for potentiating the therapeutic properties of the last and diminishing its toxic effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach.
The purpose of the study was to characterize the effect of ibuprofen and its combination with vinboron on the liver, kidney and adrenal glands according to the morphological study in rats.
Materials and methods. To reproduce the conditions for the administration of ibuprofen corresponding to its clinical use, we selected a model of experimental rheumatoid arthritis-adjuvant arthritis (AA) in rats. On the 28th day the animals were excluded from the experiment. Internal organs (liver, kidneys and adrenal glands) were removed and fixation of the material in 10.0% aqueous solution of neutral formalin. The histological specimens were prepared according to the standard procedure. Microscopy and photographing of histological preparations were carried out with the light Olympus System Microscope (Model BX-41) at magnifications of 40, 100, 200 and 400 times.
Results and discussion. For parenchyma of liver patches of AA rats, which were administered ibuprofen in combination with vinboron, the typical beetle location of hepatocytes was characteristic. The central veins were visualized in the center of the lobes. Radially oriented hepatic beams, consisting of hepatocytes and elements of the reticuloendothelial system, were traced from the portal tract to the central vein. The portal tract was represented by an intervertebral artery, a vein and a bile duct. Interstitial, consisting of loose fibrous connective tissue, was determined predominantly in the area of portal triads and practically not identified within the classical lobes of the liver. The liver parenchyma was formed by the arrangement of hepatocytes – polygonal cells with a centrally located nucleus and a rather intensely colored cytoplasm.
In the group of experimental animals, which was used a combination of ibuprofen and vinboron, the overall histological structure of the kidney was preserved, the capillaries of glomeruli with uneven blood filling. The flowers were found to be uniform in shape and size, and in a state of collapse due to the fall of the capillary mesh. The enlightenment of the Shumlyansky-Bowman capsules is free, in separate glomerular lumens diasthesis of isolated red blood cells was observed. Capillaries and veins of the brain layer were elevated, some of which revealed erythrocytic stasis.
In experimental animals with AA, treated with ibuprofen in combination with vinboron, no significant differences in the histological structure of the adrenal glands were observed compared with the control group. Cortical substance is light, transparent due to abundant lipid content. By the form, size and coloring of the glomerular and bundle cells, they were quite monomorphic. The sinusoid capillaries of the beam zone are moderately narrow, the beam direction is well expressed, the bundles of cells and grains are perpendicular to the body capsule.
The mesh zone consisted of well-developed strains that were anastomosed with each other and were separated by narrow sinusoidal capillaries. For cells in the mesh zone, monomorphism and homogeneity of the color were characteristic, cell nuclei were well painted, had the same size and clear contours.
The brain substance is basophilic, the cells are somewhat enlarged in size. Oval cores contain 1–2 nucleoli and numerous large lumps of chromatin, located evenly throughout the nucleus or its periphery.
Conclusions. The obtained data indicate the expediency of in-depth study of biochemical and physiological mechanisms of nephro- and hepatoprotective action of vinboron in its combined use with ibuprofen.
Гладких Ф. В., Степанюк Н. Г., Вернигородський С. В. Морфологічні зміни внутрішніх органів при лікуванні ад’ювантного артриту. Світ медицини та біології. 2017. № 4 (62). С. 127–131. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26724/2079-8334-2017-4-62-127-131.