Українська наука охорони здоров’я

Assessment of alginate hydrogel degradation in biological tissue using viscosity-sensitive fluorescent dyes

Show simple item record Shkand, T.V Чиж, М.О. Sleta, I.V. Sandomirsky, B.P. Tatarets, A.L. Patsenker, L.D. 2022-09-01T19:46:24Z 2022-09-01T19:46:24Z 2016-07-25
dc.identifier.citation Shkand T.V, Chizh M.O., Sleta I.V., Sandomirsky B.P., Tatarets A.L., Patsenker L.D. Assessment of alginate hydrogel degradation in biological tissue using viscosity-sensitive fluorescent dyes. Methods and Applications in Fluorescence. 2016. 4(4): 1–12. DOI: 10.1088/2050-6120/4/4/044002 uk_UA
dc.identifier.uri DOI: 10.1088/2050-6120/4/4/044002
dc.description Shkand T.V, Chizh M.O., Sleta I.V., Sandomirsky B.P., Tatarets A.L., Patsenker L.D. Assessment of alginate hydrogel degradation in biological tissue using viscosity-sensitive fluorescent dyes. Methods and Applications in Fluorescence. 2016. 4(4): 1–12. DOI: 10.1088/2050-6120/4/4/044002 uk_UA
dc.description.abstract The main goal of this study is to investigate a combination of viscosity-sensitive and viscosity-insensitive fluorescent dyes to distinguish different rheological states of hydrogel based biostructural materials and carriers in biological tissues and to assess their corresponding location areas. The research is done in the example of alginate hydrogel stained with viscosity-sensitive dyes Seta-470 and Seta-560 as well as the viscosity-insensitive dye Seta-650. These dyes absorb/emit at 469/518, 565/591 and 651/670 nm, respectively. The rheological state of the alginate, the area of the fluorescence signal and the mass of the dense alginate versus the calcium gluconate concentration utilized for alginate gelation were studied in vitro. The most pronounced change in the fluorescence signal area was found at the same concentrations of calcium gluconate (below ~1%) as the change in the alginate plaque mass. The stained alginate was also implanted in situ in rat hip and myocardium and monitored using fluorescence imaging. In summary, our data indicate that the viscosity sensitive dye in combination with the viscosity-insensitive dye allow tracking the biodegradation of the alginate hydrogel and determining the rheological state of hydrogel in biological tissue, which both should have relevance for research and clinical applications. Using this method we estimated the half-life of the dense alginate hydrogel in a rat hip to be in the order of 4 d and about 6–8 d in rat myocardium. The half-life of the dense hydrogel in the myocardium was found to be long enough to prevent aneurysm rupture of the left ventricle wall, one of the more severe complications of the early post-infarction period. uk_UA
dc.language.iso en uk_UA
dc.publisher Methods and Applications in Fluorescence. 2016. 4(4): 1–12. uk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseries 4(4);1–12.
dc.subject alginate hydrogel uk_UA
dc.subject implant uk_UA
dc.subject drug carrier uk_UA
dc.subject biodegradation uk_UA
dc.subject fluorescence imaging uk_UA
dc.subject viscosity-sensitive dye uk_UA
dc.title Assessment of alginate hydrogel degradation in biological tissue using viscosity-sensitive fluorescent dyes uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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