Українська наука охорони здоров’я

Study of the therapeutic effects of placenta and spleen cryoextracts in an autoimmune thyroiditis model: changes in hormonal balance

Show simple item record Гладких, Ф.В. 2025-03-08T12:42:22Z 2025-03-08T12:42:22Z 2025-03-07
dc.identifier.citation 275 Hladkykh FV. Study of the therapeutic effects of placenta and spleen cryoextracts in an autoimmune thyroiditis model: changes in hormonal balance. Materials of the VІІІ Іnternational scientific and practical conference "Theoretical and empirical scientific research: concept and trends"; March 7 2025; Oxford (United Kingdom): Oxford Sciences LTD & European Scientific Platform; 2025, р. 361–3. DOI: uk_UA
dc.description Hladkykh FV. Study of the therapeutic effects of placenta and spleen cryoextracts in an autoimmune thyroiditis model: changes in hormonal balance. Materials of the VІІІ Іnternational scientific and practical conference "Theoretical and empirical scientific research: concept and trends"; March 7 2025; Oxford (United Kingdom): Oxford Sciences LTD & European Scientific Platform; 2025, р. 361–3. DOI: uk_UA
dc.description.abstract The study investigates the therapeutic effects of placenta and spleen cryoextracts in an autoimmune thyroiditis model, focusing on their impact on hormonal balance. Autoimmune thyroiditis is characterized by immune system attacks on the thyroid, leading to hormonal imbalances. The research explores how cryoextracts, derived from placenta and spleen, influence thyroid function by regulating hormone levels. The findings suggest that these extracts may offer potential therapeutic benefits by modulating immune responses and restoring thyroid hormone equilibrium, providing a new approach to managing autoimmune thyroiditis. uk_UA
dc.language.iso en_US uk_UA
dc.publisher Materials of the VІІІ Іnternational scientific and practical conference "Theoretical and empirical scientific research: concept and trends"; March 7 2025; Oxford (United Kingdom): Oxford Sciences LTD & European Scientific Platform; 2025, р. 361–3. uk_UA
dc.subject autoimmune thyroiditis uk_UA
dc.subject hormonal balance uk_UA
dc.title Study of the therapeutic effects of placenta and spleen cryoextracts in an autoimmune thyroiditis model: changes in hormonal balance uk_UA
dc.title.alternative Study of the therapeutic effects of placenta and spleen cryoextracts in an autoimmune thyroiditis model: changes in hormonal balance uk_UA
dc.type Thesis uk_UA

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